Friday, June 5, 2015

I had planned on trying to get my last blog done before coming home, but unfortunately, I caught some really bad upper respiratory thing the last week we were in Cambodia.  So between trying to get everything with the students and staff wrapped up, teaching, packing, cleaning and sleeping, it wasn't done.   The trip home was 29 hours - door to door.  I used all the meds I had to keep my ears and sinuses from getting too painful, but still ended up with an ear infection and bronchitis.  After being home now three days and having more medication given to me, I'm able to somewhat start to function again.

It was very hard leaving everyone there. The students and staff I've worked with and lived with are wonderful, caring people and I hope that their dreams for a better future come true.  The organization I was there with, Sustainable Schools International, is providing them with opportunity and they are working hard to get a good education and a vocation that will help their community and their families.  I made good headway on the beginnings of an English school and thank everyone for their support - my family, friends, students and faculty at OSU and  my church.  My last two weeks was spent helping train a new Leadership Academy Manager who will take over my curriculum and English classes with the students as well as other things.  A new International Adviser was also found and she will start on June 15th.    I will  remain in contact with them  and the students over the summer as we continue to have Skype conversations and develop more curriculum.  Once there is a good set of lessons in place, SSI plans on opening up the classes to the community.

Cambodia has changed dramatically since I was first there in 2002 - better roads, water and sewer lines in towns.  Some of the countryside is getting electricity and paved roads (but mostly via private companies).  There are opportunities - but a lot still depends on who you know and if you have money.  The government in general does not look out for the people of Cambodia or its resources - unless it can gain by exploiting them.  Elections are coming up in the next couple of years and it could be a tumultuous time as the people are tired of the current government (which has been ruling since Vietnam invaded to end the reign of Pol Pot).   The Prime Minister has stated that he wants to continue in office for many more years - so he may choose to ignore the vote if it is against him.

Hopefully, all will be resolved peacefully and Cambodia will continue to grow.  Education of its growing population is important as well as having jobs and opportunities for the youth.  I know the young men and women I lived and worked with deserve a good future and hopefully I have been able in some small way to contribute to that future.

The boys finished their school year at Logos and ended up with pretty good grades.  While they were  ready to be out of school, they hated to leave their new friends.  They are looking forward to the summer and getting to see all of their old friends!

This will be my last post.  I will also upload some photos from the going away party - (boy did I cry)... some of the boys last days at school and some of the English Class students.