Friday, January 2, 2015

We arrived safely in Phnom Penh last night around midnight.  From leaving the hotel in OKC to getting to the Leadership Academy building took over 30 hours.  The boys were excellent travel companions - what a pleasant surprise - They both slept a long time on the three hour flight to LAX.  We had to walk from one terminal in LAX to another and get our tickets re-issued again.  I think having two children with you makes people want to help you more.  On the long 13 hour flight,  Jonathan was super jazzed at having his own private tv screen and he watched 5 movies as well as taking a good nap.  Brian was thrilled that the planes have outlets to charge laptaps, etc as well as USB charging ports.  He stayed awake almost the entire time and watched 7 movies while simultaneously playing either on his laptop or phone. 

Jonathan started feeling air sickness towards the end of the 13 hour flight, so I gave him a Dramamine and prayed he wouldn't barf.  He's been known to feel car sick for 4 - 5 hours even after we've stopped.  We landed at Seoul - went through security for the third time - and got a great 30 minute walk in as I took us to gate 16 instead of gate 38...Luckily the flight was delayed 20 minutes, so we got to catch our breaths.  Jonathan was feeling much better by that point - I think the exercise helped the medicine work faster.

I didn't feel any real nervousness until we were close to PP and then I started worrying about getting the 15 HP tablets through customs since sometimes people have been hassled.  We got a real cranky customs agent - and I think we were actually lucky because he was hissing at me about not having all the paperwork in each separate passport and trying to tell me to place "four finger" on the fingerprint machine and ended up not even looking at my custom declaration paperwork.  When we collected the bags, the one  with Brian's saxophone and 5 HP tablets was missing its TSA lock (which we later found inside a separate bag).  After a moment of panic, I checked the bag and nothing was missing.  We had a bit of difficulty getting the 4 large suitcases, 3 carryon bags and 3 backpacks organized - so when we had to go through the second custom check, the guy just took our papers and let us slowly move through.

Paul Chuk was waiting for us with a van and we traveled about 20 minutes.  We are in two rooms next to each other.  We decided to use one room as the bedroom and the other for the kitchen.  Around 1:00 am, we went to bed - Brian slept on the floor.  I think we all slept until the rooster next door started crowing.  I heard it off and on in my dreams and thought that killing it was a great idea. 

Around 6:30 Jonathan woke me up and the day started.

After unpacking, Paul took us shopping.  We bought a small table and chairs and a second cook stove for our Kitchen room and a twin pad for Brian so he didn't have to sleep on the floor and we'd all be in the same room. We ate "American" food at the boy's request - Nike's Pizza House. Then we went grocery shopping.  By the time we slowly drove through town  - rush hour - it was already 5:00.  I got the see the "finished" third floor - which is just a large room now - and the computer room which will used for the Conversation Partners.

It's now 7:30 and we'll all exhausted.  I think we'll all sleep well and hopefully all night.  "Hear that, Mr. Rooster?"

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